Excellent site! I love it. I'll be signing up. (Hope you can look at mine?)

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Thanks, Ben! I'll take a look!

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Oh, I can't wait to hear your big book news!

That's good news about B&N because it means people are buying physical books! I don't spend much time at B&N anymore because there are so many wonderful Indies in the Bay Area, but after my town's indie store Books Inc closed during the pandemic, suddenly a B&N was the closest store. So I've been several times since then and found it well-curated, with some great shelf-talkers of books I'd never heard of--it's a giant store but the booksellers seemed to care about finding and promoting interesting books. What is missing, of course, is the hand selling, which is something I really love about Indies. But I spent SO many hours in the New York B&N you mention when I was living on the Upper West Side in the 90s. Oh, I loved that store. It's great to hear it's still going strong.

I'm laughing because I have several Ella Ferrante books, and I always begin with the best of intentions but have never finished one!

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Hi! Thank you for reading! It's so true about B&N's expansion being a symbol of people buying more books. I'm glad to hear about your trials with Elena Ferrante books, too. I want to LOVE them, but I find them so hard to read! Can't wait for the next installment of your videos!

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Great post Brooke!! I have so many things to check out now and I can't WAIT for Are You There God, It's Me Margaret!!!

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