I read Sandwich this week and it was a little bit disappointing for me. I liked the story line and thought she described the Cape perfectly, but I thought the “secrets” that were shared were predictable. There were moments that I laughed. More often I found myself really trying to figure out where it was going. It did give a nice character development of the family which I appreciated. All in all it was a quick easy nothing special read for me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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So interesting how everyone has their own thoughts about every book. I think once a novel starts getting so much buzz it becomes really hard to live up to expectations, too. There are so many books for me where I get all so excited b/c a novel is everywhere so I think it's going to be the best thing I ever read. Then it falls flat. I read this one kind of early and I thought it was good but as time passed, it really stuck with me and I found myself thinking about it often. xoxox

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I thought THE MINISTRY OF TIME was an enjoyable listen but also confusing at times. It wasn’t my favorite overall, although I loved the narrator. THE ROM-COMMERS and SUMMER ROMANCE were both really cute. I really liked THE CEMETERY OF UNTOLD STORIES, ANITA DE MONTE LAUGHS LAST, FIRST LIE WINS. Memoirs: HOW TO SAY BABYLON, DID I EVER TELL YOU, THE MANY LIVES OF MAMA LOVE - all great!

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