Thank you for sharing these pictures, Brooke, which show a more 'normal' view of Monroe, though obviously as you say still shown through a male gaze. I can also see the insult behind them though: beautiful women can also read!! It never fails to amaze me how the media like to put people (often women) in specific boxes. Sadly, Monroe's whole life was dominated by that framing.

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Couldn’t agree more. ;)

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Snap! Monroe appears in one of my forthcoming books too! She was actually an incredible woman and so much more complicated than the usual soundbites allow for.

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She's reading _Ulysses_ in one of the photos.

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An interesting read, Brooke. It's always enjoyable to find out new things on old topics. Ms. Monroe (obviously) was an icon of the culture at the time. But her intellect didn't sell movie tickets, and I'm guessing both her agent and the studios corraborated on that. Sometimes these hidden and/or false "truths" prevail over centuries. Example: We all know of the Napoleon complex associated with short men. Ironically, Bonaparte was 5-foot-7, which was average-to-above average height for a man of the late 18th century. Anyway, thanks. Fun read, especially the part about Walt Whitman ... America's 19th century hippie. Cheers! -- Jim

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