When I was working we found that my job was more allowing in terms of letting me have time off to stay at home with the kids. In my contract it said unpaid but I was paid. My partner could have time off but it was given begrudgingly like why isn’t the mum taking the time off kind of attitude. There was also no allowance in his company and he wasn’t paid for it that could be that they are different companies (we did the same job at the time) but I think societal attitudes play a big role in what is acceptable or not and some men are too scared to ask (and also as usually the higher earners they run the risk of annoying their boss and potentially losing their job due to being unreliable)

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Brooke, what a good piece! I’m way past sick kids at home, but my instinct is to say to couples, have this conversation with each other, as often as you need to, so the ask is not depressingly piecemeal. What I’ve learned over my lifetime is—with men, speak up.

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Brooke, this was an excellent piece. I felt every word of it, even as someone without kids, as these were the thoughts that crossed my mind in deciding. Thanks for sharing it.

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Such a good piece!

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This post makes me feel seen!!

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