They’re both stunning! The second one doesn’t give me Gin Beach vibes though. There’s no dock like that and I’ve never seen a boat docked here. It’s certainly stunning and eye catching though!! 😍

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Haha! That's very true. We did consider that when choosing it -- but ultimately, we decided it didn't have to be as literal. Thanks so much for reading!!

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Oh my goodness Brooke! They both deserve their time in the spotlight! I love the golden border in your hardcover but this bold red will grab a bookstore wanderers eye! And the dock that leads into the never ending water makes me want to run full speed on it and see what new adventure is awaiting! Congratulations!

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Hi Tovah! thank you so much. I felt the same way -- it's like you want to just run off that dock and dive in. xoxoxo

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I love both but agree they give a different vibe. The first one I feel drawn into the woman's pose... what's she thinking about? The second one feels like summer with the punchy orange umbrella!

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Yes, agreed!! I feel like the first one is very evocative but the second one I might just grab at Target as a summer read! I also love paperbacks looking lighter!

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Interesting! It’s a totally different vibe. I live how the red pops--I think my eye would be drawn to this cover in a bookstore!

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Thank you!! I know they're so different. I'm so glad you like the new one. I can't wait to see it on the newsstand! How is your writing going? It sounds like you're working on something very intreresting!

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